Competition Act

S No Name
1 The Competition Act, 2002
S No Name
1 The Competition Amendment Act, 2007
S No Year Category Heading
1 2010 Competition Appellate Tribunal The Competition Appellate Tribunal (Recruitment, salaries and other terms and conditions of service of officers and other employees) Rules, 2010.
2 2009 Competition Commission of India The Competition Commission of India (Salary, Allowances and other Terms and Conditions of Service of Chairperson and other Members) Amendment Rules, 2009.
3 2009 Competition Commission of India The Competition Commission of India (Salary, Allowances and other Terms and Conditions of Service of Chairperson and other Members) Second Amendment Rules, 2009.
4 2009 Competition Appellate Tribunal The Competition Appellate Tribunal (Salaries and Allowances and other terms and conditions of service of the Chairperson and other Members) Rules, 2009.
5 2009 Competition Appellate Tribunal The Competition Appellate Tribunal (Salaries and Allowances and other terms and conditions of service of the Chairperson and other Members) Amendment Rules, 2009.
6 2009 Competition Appellate Tribunal The Competition Appellate Tribunal (Salaries and Allowances and other terms and conditions of service of the Chairperson and other Members) Second Amendment Rules, 2009.
7 2009 Competition Commission of India The Competition Commission of India (Number of Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director-General other officers and employees, their manner of appointment, qualification, salary, allowances and other terms and conditions of service) Rules, 2009.
8 2009 Competition Commission of India The Competition Commission of India (Number of Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director-General other officers and employees, their manner of appointment, qualification, salary, allowances and other terms and conditions of service) Amendment Rules, 2009.
9 2009 Competition Commission of India The Competition Commission of India (Number of Additional, Joint, Deputy or Assistant Director-General other officers and employees, their manner of appointment, qualification, salary, allowances and other terms and conditions of service) second Amendment Rules, 2009.
10 2009 Competition Commission of India The Competition Commission of India (salary, allowances, other terms and conditions of service of the Secretary and officers and other employees of the Commission and the number of such officers and other employees) Rules, 2009.
11 2009 Competition Commission of India The Competition Commission of India (salary, allowances, other terms and conditions of service of the Secretary and officers and other employees of the Commission and the number of such officers and other employees) Amendment Rules, 2009.
12 2009 Competition Commission of India The Competition Commission of India (Director-General) Recruitment Rules, 2009.
13 2009 Competition Commission of India Corrigendum - The Competition Commission of India (Director-General) Recruitment Rules, 2009.
14 2008 Competition Commission of India The competition commission of India (Terms of the selection committee and the manner of selection of panel of names ) Rules 2008
15 2008 Competition Appellate Tribunal The competition appellate tribunal (Term of the selection committee and the manner of selection of panel of names ) Rules 2008
16 2008 Competition Commission of India The competition commission of India (return on Measures for the promotion of competition advocacy, awareness and training on competition issues ) rules 2008
17 2008 Competition Commission of India The competition commission of India (Form & time of preparation of Annual Report) Rules 2008
18 2003 Competition Commission of India Competition Commission of India (Oath of Office and of Secrecy for Chairperson and other Members) Rules, 2003
19 2003 Competition Commission of India Competition Commission of India (Salary, Allowances and other Terms and Conditions of Service of Chairperson and other Members) Rules, 2003
S No Year Date Number Heading
1 2011 30 May 11 S.O. … Corrigendum to Notification SO 479(E) dated 04 March, 2011
2 2011 30 May 11 S.O. ... The Central Government hereby appoints the 1st day of June, 2011 as the date on which Sections 44 of the Competition Act, 2002 shall come into force.
3 2011 30 May 11 S.O. ... The Central Government hereby appoints the 1st day of June, 2011 as the date on which Sections 43A of the Competition Act, 2002 shall come into force.
4 2011 27 May 11 SO Corrigendum to Notification GSR 482(E) dated 04 March, 2011
5 2011 04 Mar 11 S.O. 479(E) The Central Government hereby appoints the 1st day of June, 2011 as the date on which Sections 5, 6, 20, 29, 30 and 31 of the Competition Act, 2002 shall come into force.
6 2011 04 Mar 11 S.O. 480(E) The Central Government in consultation with the Competition Commission of India, hereby Enhance value of turnover, by fifty per cent for the purposes of sections 5 of the Competition Act, 2001
7 2011 04 Mar 11 S.O. 481(E) The Central Government, in public interest, hereby exempts the ‘Group’ exercising less than fifty per cent of voting rights in other enterprises from the provisions of section 5 of the Competition Act, 2002 for a period of five years
8 2011 04 Mar 11 S.O. 482(E) The Central Government, in public interest, hereby Exempts an enterprise, whose control, shares, voting rights or assets are being acquired has assets of the value of not more than Rs.250 crores or turnover of not more than Rs. 750 crores from the provisions of Section 5 of the Competition Act, 2002 for a period of five years
9 2003 14 Oct 03 SO No 1200(E) Appointment of Sh. Dipak Chatterji as Chairperson of the CCI
10 2003 14 Oct 03 GSR No 1199(E) Appointment of Sh. Vinod K. Dhall as Member of CCI
11 2003 14 Oct 03 GSR No 1198(E) Establishment of Competition Commission of India (CCI)
12 2003 06 Oct 03 GSR No 784(E) The Competition Commission of India (Salary ,Allowances and other Terms and Conditions of Service of Chairperson and other Members ) Rules ,2003
13 2003 24 Sep 03 GSR No 1098(E) Corrigendum to the Notification No. 715(E) dated 19.6.03 regarding effective date of some sections of the Competition Act, 2002.
14 2003 23 Sep 03 GSR No 757(E) The Competition Commission of India (Oath of Office and Secrecy for Chairperson and other members) Rules ,2003
15 2003 19 Jun 03 SO No 715(E) Effective date of sections 7, 11, 12 etc. of the Competition Act, 2002 – i.e. from 19.06.2003.
16 2003 04 Apr 03 GSR No 303(E) The Competition Commission Of India (Selection of Chairperson and other Members of the Commission) Rules,2003
S No Year Date Number Heading
1 2003 11 Nov 03 General Circular No. 30/2003 Circulation of following Notifications:- (i) No. G.S.R. 757(E) dated 23.9.2003; (ii) G.S.R. 784(E) dated 6.10.2003; (iii) No. S.O. 1198(E) dated 14.10.2003; (iv) No. S.O. 1200(E) dated 14.10.2003; (v) No. S.O.1199(E) dated 14.10.2003.
2 2003 30 Jun 03 General Circular No. 23/2003 Circulation of Notification No. S.O. 715(E)