1 |
Short title, commencement and extents |
2 |
Definitionss |
3 |
Definitions of "company ", "existing company ", "private company " and "public company "s |
4 |
Meaning of "holding company " and "subsidiary "s |
5 |
Meaning of "officer who is in default "s |
6 |
Meaning of "relative "s |
7 |
Interpretation of "person in accordance with whose directions or instructions directors are accustomed to act "s |
8 |
Power of Central Government to declare an establishment not to be a branch offices |
9 |
Act to override memorandum, articles, etcs |
10 |
Jurisdiction of courtss |
11 |
Prohibition of associations and partnerships exceeding certain numbers |
12 |
Mode of forming incorporated companys |
13 |
Requirements with respect to memorandums |
14 |
Form of memorandums |
15 |
Printing and signature of memorandums |
16 |
Alteration of memorandums |
17 |
Special resolution and confirmation by Company Laws Board required for alteration of memorandums |
18 |
Alteration to be registered within three monthss |
19 |
Effect of failure to registers |
20 |
Companies not to be registered with undesirable namess |
21 |
Change of name by companys |
22 |
Rectification of name of companys |
23 |
Registration of change of name and effect thereofs |
24 |
Change of name of existing private limited companiess |
25 |
Power to dispense with "Limited " in name of charitable or other companys |
26 |
Articles prescribing regulationss |
27 |
Regulations required in case of unlimited company, company limited by guarantee or private company limited by Sharess |
28 |
Adoption and application of Table A in the case of companies limited by sharess |
29 |
Form of articles in the case of other companiess |
30 |
Form and signature of articless |
31 |
Alteration of articles by special resolutions |
32 |
Registration of unlimited company as limited, etcs |
33 |
Registration of memorandum and articless |
34 |
Effect of registrations |
35 |
Conclusiveness of certificate of incorporations |
36 |
Effect of memorandum and articless |
37 |
Provision as to companies limited by guarantees |
38 |
Effect of alteration in memorandum or articless |
39 |
Copies of memorandum and articles, etc , to be given to memberss |
40 |
Alteration of memorandum or articles, etc , to be noted in every copys |
41 |
Definition of "member "s |
42 |
Membership of holding companys |
43 |
Consequences of default in complying with conditions constituting a company a private companys |
44 |
Prospectus or statement in lieu of prospectus to be filed by private company on ceasing to be private companys |
45 |
Members severally liable for debts where business carried on with fewer than seven, or in the case of a private company, two memberss |
46 |
Form of contractss |
47 |
Bills of exchange and promissory notess |
48 |
Execution of deedss |
49 |
Investments of company to be held in its own names |
50 |
Power for company to have official seal for use outside Indias |